Sunday, June 22, 2008

Race War!

Freep 101: Anyone you don't like is a Red/Communist/Marxist/pedophile, regardless of whether the term actually applies or not.

Well, the term European-American would pretty much cover it but then again Europeans are a bunch of godless, socialist fags so...

Yeah, why does this have to be so racial?

Not quite racial...

Pretty much racial... also this is apparently what Freepers find "fun"...

Ok, so we've hit critical levels of racial right here: "what the blacks will surely do".

Why does this have to be so racial?

Oh yeah

Friday, April 25, 2008

Black People!

So the verdict in the police shooting death of Sean Bell came back today. Here's what a few Freepers had to say about it.

What are: Things Black People Like to Steal?

Freepers love to post this image every chance they get ( i.e. whenever the subject of black people comes up).

wideawake crafts this sensational ad hominem fallacy

Liberal Media!!!

Yes, to apply flowery labels such as "fiance", "mother", "groom", or even "human being" to these... these... breeding creatures is a disgrace. I mean they were probably even on welfare for god's sake!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Just a few to get started...

Hot Topic:Immigration

Mexicans: The most dangerous game

Well, you see if we let the free market decide...

Oh those dirty Mexican! (not racist)